Friday, March 11, 2016

Day 11! TGIF :)

Author #1
Day 10: “Alright Class line up for our Class Picture, we have to head down, in just a minute!” My teacher Ms. Arnold announced. A buzz of students, started talking. I heard this, in the back of my head, from my class mates, every few seconds, “ Hair….” “ Clothes...” “Nervous…” We started walking down stairs, and suddenly those words, kept wrappiing around my mind. “ Hair…. Clothes….. Nervous….” I was surprised to see, that our class picture was being taken in the library, because our individual pictures, are usually taken in our faculty dinig room. But i quess I was wrong. The photographer, led us through our library, to the seating area, and one by one, told us where to stand from smalles to shortest. “ Julie, here!” He ordered. “Julie” (was actually my friend Kimberly, but he gives everybody, funny names.) Next, he called a boy, then me. “ Mary Lou, over here!” He told me. “Mary Lou!?!” I thought. “Do I seriuosly look like a Mary Lou?” We got set up to take our picture, and we were done!

Author #7
Today I am happy about getting A new phone for personal use. I have never gotten a phone before.

Author #8
Day 5 Today in school recess row and outside and I played soccer I was a bully again today we lost one nothing and I've let up one goal it was a bad decision because I came in to block the ball but kind of shot it over my head and we need to think of new ways to get our offense going because we haven't scored a point in 3 days

Author #9
    Today I am going to my friends house after school I hope that we will make some football plays.
    Today I went to my dance class and learned baby freezes which is a breakdance move where you are on your hands and head with your legs in the air it is so hard but so fun.


  1. Author 8 I love your story! Keep up the good job!

  2. Keep up the great writing!! I am enjoying each and every author's stories. I hope you are enjoying writing them and sharing :)
