Saturday, March 26, 2016

Day 26 Slice of Life Classroom Challenge

Day 26!

Author #1
Day 21: Today, we had our usual classes. 1st, we had writing in which we read 2 articles, they were about how zoos effect the animals, and their lifestyle in zoos. Then, we began to write a research bades argument essay. After, we had spanish, so no learning with Ms. Arnold, in spanish we got our test results, and learned the alphabet. Next, instead of math, we finished what we were doing in writing (bonus). Then, we did a special teamwork activity (again, bonus!)  After, we had lunch (no learning, obviously!) Next, we had an assembly, instead of ensemble. (Yet another Bonus!) Lastly, we had social studies, well sort of! (Half bonus!) I had about 4 bonuses today, I think spring break is rolling in 2 days early! I hope tomorrow, is as easy!

Day 22: Bring,Bring,BRING!!!!! Ugh… I moaned. I shut off my alarm, and went back to sleep! Aaaahhh! I thought, now this is warm!  My alarm rang again 5 mins later, same thing happened, then it rang 5 mins later, than 3 mins later! I All right! I’ll get up now!Sheesh! I thought. If you heard my alarm in the morning it is really annoying. Anyway… By that time it was 7:28, I was supposed to wake up, at 7:15! I jumped out from underneath my covers, and dashed through all of my morning chores. I flew down the stairs, and started chanting Spring Break! Spring Break! My mom laughed,  You’re really looking forward to Spring Break, I can see!  Yep! I replied. I went out to the bus stop waited for the bus, and soon started my school day! See you tomorrow!

Day 23: When I woke up this morning it was 9:30, my alarm was ringing. I felt around my bedside table, all I was doing was groping air, then I felt a screen, with my face buried in my pillow, and turned my alarm off. I slept until 10:00 afterwards, and got up, when I opened my room door, there was still that hush around the house there always is in the morning, which means some people were still sleeping. There were my dad and my brother, all of a sudden, I heard the sound of the stove boiling something.  Is mom home? I wondered, isn’t she going to work today? All of a sudden she walked up the stairs while I was thinking, and I asked aren’t you going to work today? She replied,  I haven’t gotten a chance to leave yet, now why don’t you brush, then run on down, and i’ll give you cereal!  Ok I agreed, the rest of the day was pretty much boring.

Day 24: I woke up this morning to the sounding of chatting and something on the stairs and doors closing. I felt like all of these noises were right out side my room. I turned over to look at my window, then turned back to look at the clock on my dresser. I saw the time, 9:15. I started to unravel my blanket+comforter around me, I sat up, rubbed my eyes, looked around… and finally got up, and walked to the door. As I stepped out of my room, this blast of light shined on me, Woh  I said, and stepped back. Good morning Sweetie! My mom cheered. I looked down stairs, Mommmm! You said you were working from home today! I told her grumpily.  I know I did, but I have to go to a meeting. I’ll come back after that! She replied. Fine!! I moaned. 2 mins later, after having said bye to my mom, I trugded to the bathroom, not noticing that my brother was standing right next to the door, pushed him out of the way, and slugged inside. Hey! I was brushing! He complained.  Sorry I really had to go! Here I’m done! I called just starting to put the tooth paste on my tooth brush. I opened the door, while brushing, and my brother came in, he started brushing too. After I was done, I walked to my room, and read, and texted my friends, until my dad called my brother and I down for breakfast.

Author #3
I opened my tablet case as my dog barked in the front hall.  I swiped up from the lock button, but to my surprise, instead of it opening to my home screen, the tablet brought me to a number keypad.  Wait, I have a password?  Oh right, my mom set it for me.  I thought.  I hated when my mom did stuff like that.  Now, what had she set it too?  I called out “Hey mom, what’s the password to my tablet?”
“Ummmm, try your birthday?”  My mom said from the kitchen.  I entered my birthday.  A message popped up on the screen: Wrong pin.  
“That’s not it!”  I called back to my mom.  
“Try the password to your Ipod.”  It didn’t work.
“Not it either!”
“Old password to your Ipod?”
“Then I don’t know.”
“You set it!”  I thought and thought.
“I don’t know, I’ll try and figure it out later.”  I groaned.  I just wish I knew.

Author #4
Day 25:
    Today I’m going to New York with my family. I’m going to have lots of fun with my sisters. We want to visit a museum in new york, or something cool like that. I’m so excited and I can't wait.

Day 24:
    “Mom do you have any of those breakfast sandwiches that you just pop in the oven for like 10 minutes and they're done?” I asked my mom as I stood up from the couch.
    “I think so, you can check the fridge outside,” my mom said. I went outside and came in with a box of turkey patties.
    “Hey mom I think you bought the wrong thing these are just turkey patties not sandwiches, but could I make my own?”
    “Yea just make it for all of us if you make it,” my mom said to me. I got out 4 pieces of bread and but a slice of cheese on them, then put them in my toaster oven. I quickly but the sausage patties to cook than I whipped up some eggs and put them on a buttered pan.
    About 10 minutes later I took out the bread, put a sausage patty on it, than put some of the omelet on it. It was delicious all together.
Day 23:
    “Yay we are in a group together,” Kiran said to me and Nicole. Ms.Arnold's website just put us in a group together for a class activity. Our team wasn't aloud to talk anymore so we just did our own things. “Wait Aarushi I don't think you're aloud to touch anything,” Kiran said to Aarushi.
    “Aarushi’s them just jost their hands,” Ms.Arnold said.
    “Is it okay if i go get us out?” Kiran asked us. We all noded our heads and the game was over.

Day 22:
    Today the grover middle school chamber orchestra performed. I saw lots of people I knew because both of my sisters go to that school. They did a really good job performing. It was really cool. I might want to start orchestra next year if my mom lets me.

Author #5
3/23/16- Break!
The engine of the bus slowed to a stop as I looked down the aisle. Then looked back, watching as kids gathered their stuff to get off the bus. I was eager to get home. It was the last day before spring break, and the warm air that blew in from the windows was really starting to show that it was spring. The bus vibrated under my feet softly as it continued down the road. “Oh no.” I said as I looked ahead. Construction! Now we were going to be even more late! The vehicles passed us, holding my breath as they did so, afraid that they would hit our bus, but they didn’t. Finally after what seemed like two minutes, the bus motor vibrated again, and we were on our way to the second neighborhood.
Tightening my ponytail and loosening my seatbelt, I leaned into the aisle again, pulling my head back as another big group of kids trudged through and stepped off the bus. I groaned. Now that I noticed, it was getting hot in here. I arched my back and fixed my hair again, my legs yearning to get up and go home. But I still had a few more stops before mine. Spring break was going to have to wait!

3/24/16- Just Dance!
    Being at Kylie’s house for the first time was exciting. We were out in her backyard recording dances and tumbles. “You can really tell that I’m a dancer in this one.” I exclaimed, pointing my frozen finger to my phone. The chilly air had put Kylie in gloves and me in my sweatshirt. The wind that blew from the North was really making the day cold, and the sky was gray and uncolored, making it perfect to record. “Can you do this one?” I asked Kylie for the 1,000th time. She took the phone from my grasp. I took my sneakers off and jumped off the porch to the grass. It felt wet and soft under my feet as I scrunched up my toes. “Ready?” Kylie repeated. I nodded, hoping that she would get the message. She tapped the phone and the music started. I lunged into my split, my legs feeling barely a strain from all my years as a dancer. Then I gave into a pirouette, just making up the moves as I go. It didn’t matter if it looked good, it just had to feel good!

Author #10
Today I just got to school and the morning work was to do your slice of life and here is me doing it right now and I think this is my 11 day streak. I am impressed of myself for doing it this far. I think my parents are happy with my score on my math and science test.
Today has been a boring day like the first day when I wrote slice of life! But it is also the tenth day I wrote slice of life. I can't believe I made it this far! Okk… At the bus I had no fun because THE STUPID BUS DRIVER MOVED MY SEAT

Author #11
March 24           
Today was the first day of spring break and everyone was really happy in house especially my brother,he was really happy that he did not need to go to school for the next 10 days we were all enjoying the morning as my dad lext. I had to ask my brother if he wanted to play with me because no one was outside. I was having fun today.   

Author #12
March 22
Today I ate my allergy medicine. Hooray. But apparently my friends got allergy so it wasn’t so good to see them with red eyes. Plus it isn’t pleasant to see red eyed people because they were hurt. At school, we got lots of things done. I got good things on my spanish grades and we were quiet so my teacher was happy. We got to do this thing that wasn’t school related but it was where we got to make things to get the water outside a cage and into the lunch bucket but there were other rules too. That was fun. SO the rest of today was awesome. Yesterday we were getting ready for parcc and we got to move our desks but it was challenging when you are sitting next to people in the class that you don’t know as much. At least our class got seat privileges.

March 23
Today is the last day of school until spring break. I am so happy I get to go on  computer and play minecraft. This is the time for me to shine.    

March 24
Today was a fun day. Justin and I played at our house and we collected sticks. It was really fun. Especially when your friends are there. Also we got some plants, found an abandoned pot in the woods, put wet soil and we put the plant away in the pot and left the plant.

March 25
Today will be a fun day. After yesterday, my mom arranged a playdate with Justin. We will be going outside like yesterday and playing some minecraft on our computers. We are also going to add my friend William and Yuna. All korean people. We will collect sticks outside and inside, we will connect and we will play minecraft. And hopefully I get to troll some people in minecraft.

8:04 PM

We went to william’s house and we got to play videogames for 6 hours. We played minecraft and it was amazing. We got lots of things done. Justin and I. I even got to troll Justin. HAHAHA. In those 6 hours we made a house and got lots of materials. We also fought some mobs.

March 26
We will be going to church to get ready for easter

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